Short: Downloads newsgrouplists from newsservers ( very fast ) needs *YAM2NN* Author: Type: comm/news Requires: yam2nn, yam, rot3d.library ( included ) Architecture: m68k-amigaos This little tool, downloads and sorts newsgrouplists from servers normally much faster then yam2nnconfig. Normally means, that it depends from the given list . If this list is presorted it slows the whole process down, but it`s still faster then yam2nnconfig. Options: getnglist [CHECK] [NOSORT] [PORT=nntpport] newsservername CHECK does only download the list to t:newsgroups to see how fast and how many newsgroups there are NOSORT disables the sortalgorith to gain full speed PORT ( optional ) sets the used tcp port for the nntp server ( default = 119 ) newsservername ie. Have fun.. Cyborg