Short: Spools NNTP posts for later transmission (1.0) Author: (Matthew Hunter) Uploader: mhunter+ andrew cmu edu (Matthew Hunter) Type: comm/news Version: 1.0 Requires: OS 2.04 or greater, nntppost by Michael B Smith Architecture: m68k-amigaos Features: * Capable of automatically adding a signature and/or signing the outgoing file with PGP * Always returns immediately, even when online * Spool-send daemon with user-specified interval and transmission command, for greater flexibility * Basic multiuser capability History: 1.0 First public release Intended future development: Integration into slowly-developing Amiga messagebase system (more accurately, this program was built in order to develop and test certain functions of the aforementioned system). Will eventually be capable of handling its own transmission of news, without relying on NNTPpost, however wonderful NNTPpost may be.