Short: Adds Random Signature's To Yam Mail Author: Uploader: bosman erols com Type: comm/mail Requires: Yam 1.3.4 Architecture: m68k-amigaos Ransig.rexx v1.2 This a is a script to attach random sig's to outgoing mail in the outgoing folder of YAM Requirements: rexxtricks.library, rexxdossupport.library Install: Copy randomsig dir to Yam: Copy Ransig.rexx to Yam:rexx/ Then add Ransig.rexx to the yam config read on how to do this.... Edit: Edit .sigs in Randomsig dir to fit you needs Making more sigs... use a text editor and make your own sig's, just put them in Yam:randomsig/ one sig per file, filenames do not matter. Usage: Once you have written a email, send it to queue. Then click the Ransig.rexx a requestor will pop up asking you what type of sig you want to add to this mail, Random All - adds a sig from randomsig dir to all mail in outgoing Org SiG - adds your Yam default Sig Funny - adds a sig from random sig dir to only selected mail Quit - Well Quits V1.1 orginal release v1.2 bug fix: forgot to call rexxdossupport.library (thanks to pRIMEl) Randomsig.rexx is Email-ware so send me your comments. Bossman^