Short: multiprotocol instant messenger Author: Wilmer van der Gaast and others Uploader: megacz usa com Type: comm/irc Version: 1.1-dev Requires: 68020+/os2.04+/ixemul48+/ixnet48+/amitcp30b2+ Architecture: m68k-amigaos BitlBee-1.1dev - An IRC to other chat networks gateway ------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Wilmer van der Gaast and others. IMfuckingPORTANT: DO NOT fucking RUN THIS PROGGY FROM SHELL, IN IS MADE TO BE LAUNCHED FROM INETD ONLY!!! --- NOTES: - requires 68020+/os2.04+/1 meg+/ixemul48+/ixnet48+/amitcp30b2+ and of course some irc client. - flavours: ; !(libglib-2.0, needs 'libiconv.ixlibrary' bitlbee-[ssl-glib-iconv] = full version(all protocols, full 'iconv') ; !(libglib-2.0, needs 'libiconv_cr.ixlibrary') bitlbee-[nossl-glib-iconv_cr] = no ssl and msn bitlbee-[j-nossl-glib-iconv_cr] = no ssl and only jabber ; !(libglib-2.0, no 'iconv' support) bitlbee-[j-nossl-glib] = no ssl and only jabber - if u decide to build with 'libevent' u need to know that many things in this library relies on Unix features that are not implemented in 'ixemul'. but if this is not an argument look at this: '[] [ERR] evsignal_init: socketpair: Protocol family not supported' =] - in 'chunks/' you will find stuff that required modifications + small, crappy, stinky, ugly library(i call it that coz the funcs it contain should be already in 'libc'!!!) that provides 'inet_pton()' and 'inet_ntop()' pair for use with IPv4. please note that im not the author of these routines, a guy named 'Luise' is, i just built the library adding some essential lines to the source. --- INSTALLATION: create 'gg:' and some other dirs in it, if you dont have GeekGadgets environment, make few assigns: assign GG: sys:GG assign bin: GG:usr/local/bin assign usr: GG:usr assign var: GG:var copy the desired version of 'bitlbee' to the 'bin:', 'var/' to 'var:' and 'usr/' to 'usr:'. add this to the 'services' of your TCP/IP stack: bitlbee 6668/tcp bitlbee you can change the port of course, and this to the 'inetd': bitlbee stream tcp nowait/stack=50000 nobody usr:local/bin/bitlbee bitlbee now, just start your favourite irc client, set the nickname you would like to identify with and connect: favourite-irc-clinet localhost 6668 titlover follow the help screens sent by bitlbee, or read the docs. BTW: i dont know if 'miami' accepts 'stack' argument so if it doesnt start remove it, but this might not be a good idea since 'bitlbee' needs some stack, so set it globally somewhere else. --- e-mail:, jabber: