Short: Outbound Queue Management Tools for XferQ. Author: (Robert Williamson) Uploader: bobw_eng spherenet com (Robert Williamson) Type: comm/fido Architecture: m68k-amigaos A collection of unique and useful tools for XfreQ management that can be used with any wpl mailer, but most especially, Shelter Mailers. Xpack - 5D echomail archiver/router/queuer/scheduler The ONLY Fully FTS compliant xferq-packer Xq - FLO convert, scan outs, 4d to 5d convert, queue cleanup fts1 to fsc39 convert, Xpack front-end XList - lists queue for a site, a site pattern or all sites Xkill - remove a filepattern from a sitepattern Xrmv - remove a file from a site queue AddWork - add a file to a site queue, aware of filetypes SendFile - a simple version of AddWork for sending files Xflo - online flo conversion Xcut - online .CUT scan and send Also includes the latest version of xferq.library (1.9) as well as the 1.9 Addendum to xferq docs.