Short: QuickSilver v2.02, Fidonet File Request Server. Author: (Roger Clark) 1:382/908.0@fidonet Uploader: Roger Clark 908 ima infomail com (Roger Clark) 1:382/908 0 fidonet Type: comm/fido Architecture: m68k-amigaos Bugfixes and a new function to disallow FREQs by nodes running PRIVATE listings. This is a Bugfix rewrite of Quicksilver, the Fidonet File request server. Now, QSilver waits in the background on its ARexx port for a message to serve files. Much quicker. This program is shareware. - Improvement of some routines that should speed up operations. - NO/PRIVATE keyword that dissallows nodes running as PRIVATE, with no nodelisted phonenumbers and no way of being contacted outside of routed netmail, from frequesting files. Thanks to Dale Frammeli for the suggestion. This oughta' put the leech in his place!! ;') This program is shareware. See docs for registering information.