Short: User-friendly poll-manager for TrapDoor, V2.0c Author: (Alexander Stirmlinger) Uploader: alex picard unterland de (Alexander Stirmlinger) Type: comm/fido Architecture: m68k-amigaos Controls the operation of TrapDoor. Some features: * Simplifies the treatment of file-requests and crash-mails (pending jobs are displayed in a list-view-gadget). * Enables automatic polling on all lines of the destination system (if one line is "BUSY", `NetCall' will automatically dial up the next line). * Includes #?.REQ-file editor ('request file') to create or edit .REQ-files in the "OUTBOUND"-directory. * Searches (even when your mailer polls already) for other lines of the destination system in the nodelist (crashing or frequesting). * Supports/simplifies multi-bossing. * Simplifies polling on a line of your boss, which is not listed in the nodelist. * Hides your own password when crashing or frequesting. * Font-sensitive GUI. * NodeListUpdate-script included in the archive. * ARexx-interface. * Supports toolbox-window * ... (TrapDoor is copyright (C) Maximilian Hantsch/Martin Laubach and NOT included in this archive)