Short: Multi-Feedback with comments to the whole team Author: Fate/Logic ( Uploader: Fate/Logic (fxmts205 uni-frankfurt de) Type: comm/cnet Architecture: m68k-amigaos [This is one of my older utils, just put on AmiNet for completition.] Guess... it's a Replacement for the "F" Command, which allows you to leave Comments to one of the Sysops or Subops. The Advantage to the "MS" Command is that you don't have to remember their Names and you don't need to specify a Subject. Probably the biggest Advantage is that it makes it easier for new Users to send Mail to the Sysop Team. + Multi-Comment allows you to leave Comments to the whole Team. + 100% safe against Errors (see "ERROR-SAFETY"). + Easy to use, especially for new Users. + Nice Design. V2.1 23.6.94 Bugfix Aborting the Editor would be ignored under v2.63 due to a Change to the CALLEDITOR Command. Fixed. Written by Fate/Logic CNet Innovation.