Short:        EDP2Days.lha ALL TODAY and YESTERDAY's callers program for CNET bbs!
Author:       Edward D. Peyton
Uploader:     edp pen net
Type:         comm/cnet
Version:      2.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This program will log and SHOW ALL callers to your bbs on a given day,
ALL callers to the bbs for YESTERDAY, and, if you enable it, a GUESS as
to the callers you will have tomorrow. <G> I guess it should be called
EDPThreedays.rexx. The idea for the Tommorrow command was not mine, BTW,
I just added it at a rather insane users' suggestion. I hope that doesn't
make me insane as well. :)

NEW to version 2.0:

Will log all NETWORK calls, IF you are using Trapdoor for your Network

Will create a separate log for ALL callers, in case you have some
maint users or sysops who do not normally log. ONLY maint users will be able
to see THIS list.

Included is a Dos (rexx) Script to view the last '#' callers in a shell
WITHOUT having to log on!

A few MORE options for the output, and logging that you want. :)

2.1 includes a few bugfixes.

Edward D. Peyton
Atlantis BBS: (904) 479-3133 | 479-4080
email :  Edward Peyton@1:3612/369.0
5100 N 9th Ave F-601
Pensacola, FL 32504