Short: Age apportionment tool for PMBS and FC. Author: (Maik Schreiber) Uploader: t esser darkness gun de Type: comm/bbs Architecture: m68k-amigaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VNET-TOOLS - VNET-ALTER 1.0b - call ViRTuaL NeTWoRK at +49-(0)2041-24226 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are some of the features of VNET-ALTER 1.0b: - Shows the age apportionment of the users. - Runs under the Prometheus Mailbox System by Martin Brückner. It also runs under the older FastCall. - Has a colored display. - Results are displayed in percent and absolute. - Shows total number of users and age profile. NOTE: the whole distribution is currently completely German (because the Prometheus Mailbox System and FastCall are German, too). But if there are enough requests on other languages, I will include them, too. Please also note, that I only understand German and English, so please don't write Finnish or so ;-).