Short: TransAmiga BBS AminetCD upload tool v1.3 Author: (Sami Radwan) Uploader: rasa0011 fh-karlsruhe de (Sami Radwan) Type: comm/bbs Architecture: m68k-amigaos Requirements: AmigaDOS Join command and a multiassign command like Assign of AmigaOS 3.1 (I don't know if earlier assign commands work) This tool is tested with AminetCD #5, #6 and #7. For earlier CDs I have the corresponding versions around. If you need them contact me. If there are no changes made to the structure of the TREE and INDEX file and they stay located in the directory that contains all the Aminet subdirectories this piece of tool will work with future AminetCD releases. This tool makes the necessary directories and Files.BBS to integrate AminetCDs in the fileareas of TransAmiga BBS without the need of an external door program. Have a look at the docs for a complete description. New for this version: Added NODESC command line switch. Greetings, Sami. (TransAmiga BBS Development) Archive content: TrAminet1_3.readme 1395 17-Aug-95 12:39:30 bin/TrAminet_68020 30264 17-Aug-95 11:39:09 bin/TrAminet 30244 17-Aug-95 11:37:58 Docs/TrAminet.doc 6174 17-Aug-95 12:33:30 libs/garbagecollector.library 10448 01-Nov-93 21:38:18