Short: BirthDay door for MAX's BBS Author: (Greg Fitch) Uploader: gfitch iccu6 ipswichcity qld gov au Type: comm/bbs Architecture: m68k-amigaos BirthDayDoor v3.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For MAX's BBS v1.52-54 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Greg Fitch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It checks for a data file in the Doors:BirthDays/ directory and if there is no data file for the user it then asks them for their birthdate and saves it into said directory, if the data file is there it look at it and if there is no match in the dates it exits but if there is a match it then displays an ANSI screen and adds 30 minutes to there time as a gift from the SysOp, if you don't like this addition don't use this door, but I think that it's fair as we all only get one bithday a year and this is a cost free gift to the users that just happen to login on their birthday and that is rare.