Short: FAME/AMIEX Filechecker V1.2 Author: (Sascha Pfalz) Uploader: siegel deadline snafu de (Sascha Pfalz) Type: bbs/amiex Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a new filechecker which supports adding/stripping/testing of LZX, LHA and ZIP archives. Also it is possible to add Uploader's Name and Location, Nodenumber, Date and Time of the Upload. Autodetect the BBS- system used. Other features: - Autodetect the user.datas, no need to use different versions - Fully argument driven, no need of external configurationfiles - very small and fast, check it out! This Tool runs with every Amiex or FAME System. It should also run under S!Express, but this is not tested yet. Other BBS-Systems should be no problems, as long as they have the same way of including filecheckers like Amiex or FAME has...